What's wrong with this picture.... EVERYTHING

Wow, so I was checking my myspace profile & saw this ad. There are so many things wrong with this that I don't even know where to begin. First off, I like that they are targeting women age 24 & up. Get the girls fresh out of college, who haven't realized they are never going to weigh the same amount that they did in high school, but trick them into believing they can. Add a celebrity endorsement (CNN & Oprah - which, why is CNN even endorsing wight loss products?) & voila - instantly girls on every corner are buying the product & vomiting what they ate five minutes ago.
Not to mention take a look at this picture. I'm guessing that this girl is probably a pretty petite person, but let's say she's a healthy "normal" weight. Unless she dropped over 200lbs, those jeans were never hers. And frankly, as a female this girl in the picture is not the size I would want to be. She practically disappears from the ad! Hell, even the font on the 24 is wider than she is!
Many women & men are always going to have this constant mental struggle regarding their weight. No matter how much weight you lose, how much your muscles tighten up, a feeling is going to follow that says you should be more. The sad thing is, this voice in our heads that tells us this is usually due to a force-fed diet of external influences. It can become a serious mental & physical disease, & advertisements like this do not positively influence their audience. Don't be swayed by celebrities, magazines, & friends that tell you to do something & look a certain way. Instead, strive to be healthy & learn to be happy with what you've got. "Shake whatcha mama gave ya" & let your actions, not your reactions define who you are.