Can I just have a minute....

When is it my turn?  I am overjoyed for all of you out there that are going through these wonderful, monumental capstone moments of life.  Yet I can't help but wonder, "When is it my time?"  I look at my life and feel completely blessed and content, but yet I still know something is missing.  And while I know that having what I lack won't solve the missing piece, I can't help but wonder if that void will ever be filled?  I love my friends, and I try to turn a happy face to celebrate at all times, but sometimes I really need to be melancholy and reflective.  Right now is that time, so I'm sorry that this isn't more upbeat and lovely.  Even when you grow up learning to always "Fake it 'til you make it," there are times where you simply cannot fake to the world for a second longer.  Tonight I am reserved, troubled, and downhearted.  Just know when tomorrow comes, you will not see a glimpse of that which torments my soul tonight.  Tomorrow I shall be carefree, optimistic, ever-loving me, at least in your eyes.


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