Random Musings
What a week this has been! Today I really don't want to spend much time complaining & whining about how hard it has been, so all I am going to say about this past week, actually past two weeks, is thankfully they are over. It is finally October, and Wyoming seems to be enjoying every minute of this Indian Summer with beautiful crisp mornings & sunny afternoons! ♥
So while perusing the internet this morning, I decided to randomly do a picture image search on my initials, JLM. I was actually surprised to find some interesting things that correlated!
One of the first finds JLM is apparently a prison ministry service. Hmm, ties in with one of my other finds very well...... JLM is the old classic Christian Bible School song, Jesus Loves Me. JLM is also the name of a couture bridal dress making company. While any of you that know me know wedding bells are far, far away, I couldn't help but take a look at what they had. (Maybe I'm more of a romantic/girlie-girl at heart than I though? Nah, just enjoy pretty things every now & then!)
These two were my top favorites; absolutely breathtaking & still fairly simplistic.

And then one that I could totally pull off, although I'm not sure it even says "It's my wedding day!" Reminds me of a dress I wore for a Christmas party last year....but in white instead of blue!