I'm from the "Y"
You might not know it, but Wyoming has finally started to leave behind its traditional role of Cowboys & Indians, & is now moving into the harsher reality of turf wars & gangs. I currently reside in NYC, but this has only been home for about the past 10, wait make that 11 months. Previously, I was bouncing back & forth between Idaho (where I went to college) & Alaska (where I had the best job ever! being a bus tour guide). Add to that the fact that I'm originally from Wyoming, & it's easy to understand why people get confused about where I call "home."
Half the time, no one even knows where Wyoming is, or they assume by Wyoming I really meant Wisconsin, or more likely Minnesota. One day, trying to explain yet again that I'm really from Wyoming, a coworker threw me what has now become my homestate gang sign, quoting "She's from the Y." Yes, Y as in WYoming, say it with me: Y - oh -meen. 

So, now that Wyoming has hit it big by copying another area's gang sign, who knows what will happen next. Maybe the state will finally reach the 500,000 population mark! An influx like that would surely create some sort of futuristic advancement. I bet by having that many people in the state, Wyoming could finally get caught up from the stone age, be introduced to the magic of the internet, iPhone, & HDTV.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves now though.